A thousand apologies for the blog silence. It's continued far longer than we anticipated. Our funding for the tour came from three different arts councils (England, Scotland, Wales) so the evaluation process has taken longer than it would usually take (it's still ongoing!) and we're doing lots of work in terms of cementing our company structures so that we have a solid model on which to build.
Our remit however remains the same as when we set out:
- to help increase the amount of work by women on stage by producing the work of our members
- to stage this work across the UK
- to be a mutually supportive unit
Details of upcoming work from us will be announced very soon (it's all a bit hush hush at the moment!) so please don't forget about us in the meantime. What's been really lovely since the tour ended has been the contact we've had with people via twitter and personally too who saw the shows. We're really keen to build on what we achieved during the launch and to bring you work of the highest quality. So do bear with us - and watch this space!