It's been a while since we've blogged but we have been busy! Projects are in the pipeline for next year and we're all very excited. In the meantime, three more playwrights have joined the Agent 160 throng. Check out their details below - you can see why we're chuffed to bits they've joined.
Sandra Bendelow is a scriptwriter and theatre producer. Her short monologue One Hour and Forty five Minutes was produced by Dirty Protest Theatre as part of their plays-in-a-bag project at the Royal Court, Theatre Clwyd and National Theatre Wales Dirty, Gifted and Welsh. Her short audio drama Cursed was produced by Scriptography Productions for EarCandy, an audio drama project from a web-platform and her short play Split has been selected for PlayPen at Aberystwyth Arts Centre. She is currently working on a transmedia project, Floodstain, inspired by the Talybont floods of 2012 and is producing and writing for Response Time, a performed response to art, space and environment in art galleries in Aberystwyth. Her website is here.
Katie McCullough is a graduate of Bournemouth Media School and the Royal Court Theatre, London. She's a playwright, screenwriter and also works in film festival distribution, social media, and is a campaign manager for crowdfunding projects. Her written work has been performed at many venues including the ICA, Theatre503, Southwark Playhouse, Old Vic Tunnels, Arcola and the BAC. Her website is here.
Shannon Yee is a biracial writer who’s been living in Belfast since 2004. While in NI, she has had the pleasure to work with skewiff theatre company, Assault Events, Replay Productions, TheatreofplucK, 25Belfast, Hanna Slättne (Tinderbox), Paul Stapleton (SARC), and Accidental Theatre. She has received awards from the Arts Council NI, Arts & Disability Forum and the Tyrone Guthrie Centre. Earlier this year, Shannon secured a Wellcome Trust Small Arts Award to complete her sonic arts/theatrical trip for an audience of one about her experience of nearly dying and recovering with an acquired brain injury. She was on the Royal Court Theatre’s National Playwriting Group (London), and is currently participating in Fishamble/Pavilion Theatre’s Playwriting Mentoring Programme (Dun Laoghaire). Her website is here.