And here's the last six of our amazing SIXTEEN playwrights. Each one of our playwrights are busy scribbling their play they've been commissioned by us, for our Fun Palaces event in Wales. We are excited beyond belief to have every single one of them involved, and to share their work. Read some more about the last six here...
Sharon Morgan |
After graduating in History from University College Cardiff in 1970, Sharon joined Cwmni Theatr Cymru's training scheme in Bangor. Since then she has become a familiar presence on television, film, radio and theatre in Welsh, English and sometimes French, mostly in Wales, but also in England from time to time. Sharon is a founder member of four theatre companies: Theatr Bara Caws (1977), Hwyl a Fflag (Sgwar Un) 1982, Fiction Factory (Y Cwmni) 1988, Rhosys Cochion 1997
Sharon has won three BAFTA Cymru awards for best actress; Mary, an alcoholic, Tair Chwaer, Gaucho Films S4C 1998, Martha, a farmer, Martha Jac a Sianco, Apollo Films, S4C 2008, and Maggie Jones, matriarch, Resistance, Big Rich Films 2011, and was nominated for Rebecca, a valleys woman, in Utah Bride, 1.618 theatre company, at the inaugural Young Critics Awards 2013.
Sharon began writing in 1994, when she adapted Simone De Beauvoir's Monologue, which she performed as Gobeithion Gorffwyll. Her trilogy of identity, three one-women plays- Ede Hud 1997, Holl Liwie'r Enfys 2006, and Trafaelu ar Y Tren Glas 2008, followed. Dreaming Amelia, inspired by Amelia Earhart's landing on the West Wales Coast in 1928 toured England and Wales in 2002 (Hi-jinx Theatre). Shinani'n Siarad her translation of the Vagina Monologues won the Theatre In Wales award for best production in 2004. Gwaun Cwm Garw her adaptation of The Laramie Project was toured by Theatr Bara Caws and Gwlad Yr Addewid her adaptation of House of America was toured by Theatr Genedlaethol 2011. Myfanwy yn y Moorlands was presented by the Sherman Cymru as part of Amrwd/Raw in 2013.
Sharon has also worked on television- on the period drama Palmant Aur (Opus Films S4C), as well as adapting Cowbois ac Injans (Rondo S4C), Caerdydd, Y Pris, Y Gwyll/Hinterland (Fiction Factory S4C) and Y Syrcas (FFatti Films S4C)
Her radio work includes episodes of the Radio Cymru daily soap -Ponty, the Trilogy of Identity, Alltud Calon, based on the life of the actress Rachel Roberts, and Ar Lan Aberalaw about the women of the Mabinogion.
Sharon has two children, Steffan and Saran and lives in Cardiff.
Ar ol cwblhau gradd mewn Hanes o Brifysgol Cymru Caerdydd yn 1970, ymunodd Sharon a cwrs hyfforddi Cwmni Theatr Cymru ym Mangor. Ers hynny mae hi wedi bod yn bresenoldeb cyfarwydd ar deledu ffilm radio a theatr yn Gymraeg, Saesneg a weithiau Ffrangeg, yng Nghymru rhan fwya, ond hefyd yn Lloegr o bryd i'w gilydd. Mae Sharon yn aelod gwreiddiol o bedair cwmni theatr. Theatr Bara Caws 1977 Hwyl a Fflag(Sgwar Un) 1982 Fiction Factory(Y Cwmni) 1988 Rhosys Cochion 1997.
Mae Sharon wedi ennill tair gwobr actores orau BAFTA Cymru ; Mary- alcoholic,yn Tair Chwaer, Gaucho Films S4C 1998, Martha, ffarmwraig, yn Martha Jac a Sianco, Apollo, S4C 2008, a Maggie Jones, matriarch, Resistance, Big Rich Films 2011; cafodd ei henwebu am ei pherfformiad fel Rebecca, menyw o'r cymoedd yn Utah Bride, cwmni theatr1.618, yng ngwobrwyon cynta'r Beirniaid Ifanc 2013.
Dechreuodd Sharon ysgrifennu yn 1994, pan addasodd hi Monologue gan Simone De Beauvoir, a'i berfformio o dan y teitl Gobeithion Gorffwyll. Dilynwyd hyn gan All That You Have Is Your Soul, fel rhan o Dangerous Women of The Mabinogi i'r Sherman 1997 a gan ei thrioleg hunaniaeth, tair sioe un-menyw- Ede Hud 1997, Holl Liwie'r Enfys 2006, a Trafaelu ar Y Tren Glas 2008. Teithiodd ei drama, Dreaming Amelia, wedi ei ysbrydoli gan laniad Amelia Earhart's landing ar arfordir gorllewin Cymru ym Mhwll, Shir Gar, trwy Cymru a Lloegr yn 2002(Theatr Hi-jinx ). Enillodd Shinani'n Siarad, ei chyfieithiad o'r Vagina Monologues, gwobr Theatr yng Nghymru am y cynhyrchiad gore yn 2004. Teithiwyd Gwaun Cwm Garw, ei addasiad o The Laramie Project gan Theatr Bara Caws yn 2009 a teithiwyd Gwlad Yr Addewid, ei addasiad o House of America gan y Theatr Genedlaethol yn 2011. Cyflwynwyd Myfanwy yn y Moorlands gan Sherman Cymru fel rhan o Amrwd/Raw yn 2013.
Mae Sharon hefyd wedi gweithio ar y teledu- ar y ddrama gyfnod Palmant Aur(Opus Films S4C), ac addasiadau o Cowbois ac Injans (Rondo S4C), Caerdydd, Y Pris, Y Gwyll/Hinterland(Fiction FactoryS4C) a Y Syrcas(FFatti Films S4C)
Mae ei gwaith radio yn cynnwys pennodau o sebon ddyddiol Radio Cymru -Ponty,(1999) y Trioleg Hunaniaeth, Alltud Calon 2008, wedi seilio ar fywyd yr actores Rachel Roberts, ac Ar Lan 2011 am fenywod y Mabinogion.
Mae gan Sharon ddau o blant , Steffan a Saran ac mae'n byw yng Nghaerdydd.
Kaite O'Reilly |
Kaite O'Reilly has won many awards for her work including the
Peggy Ramsay Award, M.E.N. best play of the year and the
Ted Hughes Award for New Works in Poetry for her version of Aeschylus’s ‘
Persians’ for
National Theatre Wales. In 2012 she received two
Cultural Olympiad Commissions for ‘
In Water I’m Weightless,’ produced by
National Theatre Wales/South Bank Centre as part of the official festival celebrating the London Olympics/Paralympics. In 2014 she has productions in translation in Estonia, Belgium, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and a UK tour of ‘
Woman of Flowers’, her retelling of the Mabinogion’s Blodeuwydd for Forest Forge. The premiere of
Playing the Maids with
Theatre P’Yut (Korea),
Gaitkrash (Ireland) and
The Llanarth Group (Wales) will premiere in Cardiff in early 2015. She has written extensively for radio and is now completing her first novel,
A Sky Without Stars. She will begin work on her second novel in 2015, thanks to a
Literature Wales bursary. Further information can be found at She blogs about creativity and process at
Lisa Parry |
Lisa is a freelance writer based in Cardiff. Her plays have been performed across the UK and also in New York and she has worked with leading new writing theatre companies including Dirty Protest, the Miniaturists and PopUp Theatrics. Play credits include: Untitled (Sherman Swingers 2013), Dark Frequencies (TACT Studio, Broadway, NYC), Butterfly Fugue (Sherman Cymru as part of Egin: Springboard), Not A Death Knock (Dirty Protest), March SW3 (Arcola, as part of Miniaturists 23), Waterbaby (Martin E. Segal, NYC). Lisa completed Sherman Cymru’s writing course and advanced writing course, led by Alan Harris. She was also selected for Travelling Light II in Aberystwyth where she was mentored by Kaite O’Reilly. Prize credits include: winner of the MokitaGrit playwriting competition; finalist in The Internationalists' playwriting competition; finalist in The King's Cross Award; finalist in The Ronald Duncan Award; finalist in Stellar Network's international plays in progress competition. Lisa’s poetry and prose has also been widely published in leading magazines, including Magma, Orbis and The Haiku Quarterly. In 2013, she was awarded a financial award from Literature Wales to work towards her first poetry collection.
Marged Parry |
Marged’s plays include: Y Parti Olaf (Dirty Protest, Tafwyl, 2014), Holes in the Drama (Sherman Swingers, 2013), Traed Bach Concrit (Sherman Cymru, Trwy’r Ddinas hon, 2013; translates as “Little Concrete Feet"), The Welsh Atlantis (Undeb Theatre, Latitude, 2012), Megaffon (Dirty Protest, Gwyl Tafwyl, 2012; translates as “Megaphone”, The Sweet Shop Standoff (Agent 160, Agent 160 presents… 2012), Yr Ystafell Gyfweld (Sherman Cymru, Sgript Slam, 2011; translates as “The Interview Room”) and The Demise of Photocopy Boy (Dirty Protest, Dirty Protest's Christmas Party, 2011). Her poems have been read on Radio Cymru and her work published in the Welsh literary magazine Tu Chwith. She recently had two short stories published in a horror publication The Ghastling. Marged was Assistant Director on the Sherman's new writing project, Cityscape in 2010. She worked as an Assistant Producer on Mosgito - a Welsh language magazine programme for teenagers before moving on to work as a Marketing and Communications Officer for BBC Cymru Wales' flagship soap opera, Pobol y Cwm. She then worked on Pobol y Cwm as an Assistant Script Editor for a year before she secured her current role as Story Editor.
Lindsay Rodden |
Lindsay Rodden is a writer and dramaturg. Recent writing work has included Letters (The Miniaturists / Cornerstone Festival), The Almond Tree (State of Wonder / Everyword), and Endz (a verbatim play created with dramaturg Suzanne Bell for Liverpool Everyman Theatre which toured Liverpool in 2011). Recent dramaturgy includes My Life in Dresses (Project Arts Centre, Dublin / national tour), and Why Do All Catherines Call Themselves Kate? (One Small Step / Edinburgh Fringe). She founded Almanac in 2009 with playwright / songwriter Lizzie Nunnery, producing, directing and writing adventurous collaborations with writers, musicians and other artists and theatre makers. Their most recent shows include bringing together over thirty artists to make Radical City: A Happening on Hope Street (Everyman, April 2011); and Stories in the Walls, a site-specific commission for Un-convention Tyneside in the thirteenth century Morden Tower, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (June 2011). Lindsay was born in Edinburgh . She has mainly lived in Buncrana, Co. Donegal, where her family are from, and in Liverpool, where she currently works for the Everyman and Playhouse Theatres.
Shannon Yee |
Shannon Yee is a biracial writer who’s been living in Belfast since 2004. While in NI, she has had the pleasure to work with
Replay Productions, Accidental Theatre, Assault Events, skewiff theatre company, TheatreofplucK, 25Belfast, Hanna Slättne (
Tinderbox), and
Paul Stapleton (
SARC). She has received awards from the
Arts Council NI, Arts & Disability Forum, the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, and the
James Baldwin Playwriting Award. Earlier this year, Shannon secured a
Wellcome Trust Small Arts Award to complete her theatrical sonic arts-based trip for a headphone-wearing audience in hospital beds about her experience of nearly dying and recovering with an acquired brain injury. She was on the
Royal Court Theatre’s National Playwriting Group (London),
Fishamble/Pavilion Theatre’s Playwriting Mentoring Program (Dun Laoghaire), and is currently a
HATCH artist at
The MAC in 2014/15
So there we have it, now you know our playwrights a bit better!